Sunday 7 November 2010

Licks, the KFC Pony

Well, the MLP Fair was held in Kentucky this year, how could I resist?

 Licks was made from a Hasbro Blank White Pony, so she has her original hair.  Her back I painted to look like a picnic blanket (although it's sloppier than I'd have liked -- I tried using a stencil again, probably for the last time.  She's also got a trail of ants crawling up her leg to partake of the picnic.  Her tongue was added with Apoxie Clay.

The KFC buckets and food are all made of papier mache and all hand painted.  I had a KFC flyer beside me while I was mixing the paint to get the colours as close as possible.  Of course, a bucket of chicken isn't enough -- you have to have salads to go with it.  The radioactive-green coleslaw and the potato (or macarroni) salads are included in the picnic.  Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant! I can't get over the level of detail in the KFC food you made. My favourite part, however, is definitely the ants.
