Friday 24 July 2020

Geek Cave Tour 2020 Part 7

I'm doing a multi-week virtual tour of the Geek Cave.  I'm going to post pictures and discuss one shelving unit a week for the foreseeable future.  I'm also going to switch up generations, areas of the Cave, and even types of collection as I feel like it.

This week it's a particular type of kryptonite for me - Plushies.
I have a weakness for plushies (not just MLP, but all plushies).  I have several giant plush (mostly unicorns) in various areas of the house.  I have a really hard time saying no to a plush I like, so I've really tried to curate which MLP plush I've bought.  This has been...relatively successful.

The majority of my plush live on these built in shelves in the closet.  The top shelf is vintage G1 plush, and custom plush by KitKatVintage and Anita's Mom (part of my Snuzzle/Peachy army), as well as a few small G4 hanging plush that are taking advantage of some existing hooks.  Funnily, for years I was not a fan of the vintage G1 plush.  I wasn't a fan of the eyes, mainly.  Several years ago I found a Starshine second hand in really excellent condition and picked her up thinking I would sell her on.  Well, I found myself liking her, and I wasn't sure I wanted to sell her.  I found Lofty a bit after that, liked her too, and here we are.  All of these but Blossom and Cotton Candy were found second hand.

The shelf below is where my 20th anniversary Care Bears live.  I bought these a few at a time back in the early 2000s.  The Care Bears fit well with the Ponies, for obvious reasons, and I liked that these were close to the look of the vintage plush, but different enough.  Mini SSC Pupcake is living here too.  Luckily there are only a few SSC plush that I'm interested in getting, and they're all the mini ones.

The lower shelf are larger plush: G3 Sweetberry from Australia, G4 Twilight Pillow Buddy, G3 25th Anniversary Pinkie Pie and G3 Sweet Tune.  You can also see the top of giant Sunny Daze's head.  I won her at the Fair in Orlando.  Lucky thing we were driving that year.
There are more plush displayed above the door.  From right to left we have G4 Pinkie and Twilight, my single G2 beanie plush, two custom Bushwoolies by Ivy's mom, the few G3 plush I kept (mainly Sweetberrys), a few custom and fakie plush, G4 mane six Hallmark plushies, and a custom Firefly by Dizziness.

The Bushwoolies are my favourite things up here.  They're just so happy, it's impossible to not smile when I see them.  It's also amazing I didn't come home with more of these (I have regret, but space is a real challenge).
Did I mention I had a weakness for plushies?  The Build a Bear MLP took great advantage of this.  I had been enamoured with BAB for some time, but had so far avoided actually buying any until the MLP plush came along.  I really love these, the quality is phenomenal.  Aside from Trixie, I didn't buy anyone's outfits, but AJ had to come home with a hat, and the roller skates just cried out to come home with Pinkie Pie (N.B., if one is keeping plushies on roller skates on top of a bookshelf, one would do well to remember that said plushie is up there when it's time to move the bookshelf lest one receive a serious goose egg on the head when said plushie rolls off the moving shelf).

You may have noticed that the BAB plush live on the so-called Vintage side of the Cave.  This is strictly due to space issues.  I could fit them onto the Modern side, but I wouldn't have room for anything else that's currently living on top of those shelves.
Not to be left out, I have a small Elfpony custom plush army, who have recently been displaced and are looking for new accommodations.  These were made by Anita's Mom (two), Roogna, and Dizziness.  I love these girls, and their former home was a bit too tucked into a corner where they were hard to see.  They're hanging out with Giant Sunny Daze for the time being while I find a better location where they can be properly appreciated.


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