Saturday 11 January 2020

2019 A Collector's Year in Review

It’s time for the yearly look back at the collection.  New Year’s Eve has never been a big deal for me – I spent 12 years in university and after that 10 years working in finance, so either Labour Day weekend (start of the new school year) or April 1 (start of the new fiscal year) are far more significant as New Year’s Day to me.  But you expect these sorts of things in January, so here we are.
No offense, January Joy
The Geek Cave, while always enjoyable, has largely been a source of frustration this year, as very little progress has been made toward organization and cleaning.  Early in 2019 I spent a fair bit of time piling up things that should be living in other parts of the house (we’re both collectors and geeks, and our entire house reflects that, so things like books and mini figs don’t live in the Geek Cave).  However, those piles didn’t move any further and are still taking up space in the Cave.  Still, we did get some wall shelves up, and the plushies have a permanent home, so we’ve managed to complete a few things.  The Cave will never be finished, but it will be nice to make a bit more progress on it in 2020.
Spoiler alert: it's still a mess
Roomy and I traveled to both the MLP Fair and the Canadian Collectors Extravaganza this past summer.  We had a blast at both events, as we always do.  The Extravaganza always feels like a nice bonus event to me because we only have to travel a couple of hours to get there, and we can load up the car with larger pieces to sell (on the way) and larger pieces I bought (on the way back).  Roomy helped out at the Extravaganza with bingo (hilarious), we both found some nice pieces to add to our collections, and, of course, we got to see friends that we only see once or twice a year. 
I really loved how the Fair felt like one of the earlier Fairs again, in that so many collectors knew each other and the mood was relaxed, fun, and a bit nostalgic.  There was the possibility that this might have been the last Fair (it wasn’t – yay!!!!) and I think most of the collectors there decided to make the most of the opportunity to enjoy the community that we have.  The MLP community is shrinking back to a sustainable number of collectors (not a bad thing) and we’ll likely never see a giant convention again like we did at the height of the brony phenomenon (also not a bad thing, in my opinion), but many of us who’ve been around for the last 20+ years aren’t going anywhere any time soon.
Of course I added to my collection as well this year.  I’ve been collecting as an adult for 22 years, so no, I don’t have too many easy and cheap ponies left to get.  However, there were a few stragglers on my wish list that I had yet to pick up, and I managed to get several of these this year.  I also got some upgrades on older ponies, a couple of lovely nirvanas, one more G2, came within two ponies of completing my G3 collections, and contributed to the Geek Cave mess by not opening up G4 packages quickly enough.
The majority of Ponies who joined the herd this year
I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but I do have plans for the coming year.  One of them involves the Geek Cave indirectly, in that we are rearranging our rec room to include glassed-in shelving for displaying and keeping safe some of our side-collections (see above re: books and mini figs).  As we start getting this shelving in place, we’ll start moving collectibles into their new homes, but in the meantime, we’re going to box up some of these things to get them out of the way and out of the Geek Cave.  This way we’ll have breathing space in the Cave without having to wait until the rec room is in order.
There are also a few things I’d like to get off my wish list and onto my shelves.  There are some harder to find ponies that have been on my wish list for as long as I’ve had a wish list, and I wouldn’t mind adding one or two to my collection.  I’ve also got my eye on some specific nirvana ponies, including Belly and Folly from Macau.  My first (but not last) Spanish Piggy Pony continues to elude me.  Perhaps this will be the year.
Macau Ponies, who have apparently become pony collectors themselves
Thank you for visiting the blog again this year.  I hope it’s been entertaining and maybe occasionally informative, and that you’ll join me again in 2020.  I wish you a happy new year with your collection(s) and the friends you’ve made through your collection(s).  I look forward to seeing you in person and online.  Until then, I remain your humble blogger,


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