I love most things MLP and, in particular, I love the tiny pieces that come with them. I am an accessory junkie.
That's not the half of them. |
Collectors often refer to the small items that originally came with their toys as accessories or smalls. These are typically harder to find than the toys themselves, often being lost due to their small size, and are generally not recognized by non-collectors. What I mean is, while nearly anyone can recognize a vintage Princess Leia action figure, only collectors and toy dealers are likely to spot and recognize a vintage Star Wars laser gun in a pile of toys.
A multi-generational hot cocoa moment - accessories from all 4 generations are represented in this picture. |
Smalls are often typically more expensive to add to a collection than the toys that they came with. This is also due to their small size and penchant for being dropped, mislaid, or left behind somewhere in childhood. One of the most interesting and frustrating things for me about buying lots of vintage toys from people who are selling their childhood toys is seeing what accessories are included. I've often received lots that have ponies missing their accessories, while accessories are included but their associated ponies are not. I often wonder why certain accessories manage to stay with the ponies while others simply disappear.
Pets and Friends |
I can go into the Geek Cave and stare at shelves full of ponies all day, any day, but I also love the bits and pieces that came with the ponies themselves. Most ponies in any era came at least with a brush or comb(often beautifully designed), but many came with other accessories as well, including barrettes, clothing, crowns, jewelry, bibs, bottles, toys, and games. Many of them even came with pets.
Don't get me started on G1 original ribbons. *bliss*
I am particularly fond of the G1 baby accessories. |
Why are these things so interesting to me (aside from sheer level of adorableness)? I love that I can use these pieces to bring the world of MLP to life. I love that I can set up a playset and populate it not only with characters, but with items they can interact with. If you've seen any of my display posts, you may have noticed that not all the accessories used are MLP. I also regularly use smalls from SSC, Calico Critters, Li'l Woodzies, LPS, craft items, and other bits and pieces that I've picked up second hand that I thought would work well with the ponies. This is part of the reason I don't collect MOC/MIB items - I really do want to play with my toys.
A Halloween party with costumes and accessories furnished by various MLP generations and some Li'l Woodzies playsets. |
I also love the attention to detail that was put into these smalls. I'm constantly blown away by the quality of design in most of these toys (particularly the early generations). Is it any wonder that so many Children of the 80's collect toys from their childhood when their chosen piece of nostalgia is also beautiful and entertaining from a design perspective?
The Party Pack accessories are some of the very few items I still have from my childhood collections. |
It's been a little while since I've set up a display in the Geek Cave. It might be time for a pony party.
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