
Friday 30 July 2021

The Summer Without Ponies

I am still here. I did not intend to take a blogging break but somehow weeks kept going by and every Friday I would think “I haven’t written a blog for the weekend.”  And then continue not to do so.

Part of the problem is, things with the collection have not been moving much these last few months. Let’s recap, shall we? Geek Cave – still a mess. New shelving for MOTU – still looking. Camera – still broken. Also, as an avid gardener and a person who hates winter, a lot of my free time has been spent outside in the garden.  Plants wait for no one.

All of this makes it hard to get motivated to talk about the collection, or customs, but I could at least post a shelfie on Instagram occasionally.

None of this should be taken as an indication that I’m losing interest in my collection.  Far from it (there have been purchases this summer, but they’re not here yet). It’s ok to take a “break” from time to time, however.  When the weather sadly gets cooler and the garden goes to bed, I’ll be ready to turn my attention back to finding the floor in the Geek Cave.  In the meantime…
