
Friday 21 February 2014

Herding Ponies

Part of the reason that I've never finished the cataloguing project before is that I get irritated when things aren't in the correct order or I run into a snag related to timing.  So this time I'm trying to get organized right from the get go.
One of my first goals was to get the G1s organized by set.  Previously, I'd taken pictures of sets together, but when I added to the set later, it irked me that I either had to take the whole set out again for more pictures or have extra pictures of the new pony.  This time, I plan to take individual pics of each pony (with a few exceptions - newborn twin sets and such), so when new ponies are added to the herd, it's only a matter of taking their photo.
I've also decided to include accessories that go along with each pony in the photo.  Doubtless this will drive me nuts later as I add more accessories (especially the many ribbons...) but at least I'll have a complete picture of what goes with who.  Of course, this also means that I have to go through all my accessories and sort out what belongs to who prior to the photo shoot.  Thank goodness for collection guide books!
The final step before photography will be to clean and style each pony.  Obviously, I'm not going to clean the whole herd in one sitting (I'd need an extra two weeks vacation).  I've worked out how many sets I have, and how many ponies in each set.  I'll break the job down into sensible bites and go from there.

This thing is going to happen.


Friday 14 February 2014

2014 will be the year that I finally catalogue my collection!

I have spoken on the blog before (somewhere, I'm sure) on my plans to catalogue my entire collection.  It's been a goal for about 4 years running now, but it has always gotten put aside and I've never made much progress on it.  This year is going to be different.  This year I have some friends who have set goals for themselves too.  They've formed a group where every week we report on what our goals for the week are, and how we're doing on them.  Accountability will finally be the motivator that gets my collection in order!
What exactly is involved in cataloguing a collection?  For me, there are several steps.  I have an Excel spreadsheet where I record what I have, what I want, and what condition it's in.  I also have plans to take photos of everything (everything!) and post those online.  The final step will be having things sorted in the Geek Cave (meaning that everything will be displayed or stored in a way that it's available, safe, and enjoyable).
Why catalogue?  Show me a pony and I can tell you right away if I have her or not.  I can tell you what condition she's in.  I can probably tell you if I have the accessories that go with her.  So, no, I probably don't need a catalogue.  But it's good to have for a few reasons.  For insurance purposes, I'll have photographic evidence of everything I own.  For friend purposes, people can see exactly what I have, making birthday gift purchases easier.  And for community purposes, it's a way for me to share my collection with other collectors.
Also, I just really like making lists and playing with ponies.  :P


Friday 7 February 2014

Venus McFlytrap

Here's the final custom I was asked to do in time for Christmas this year - a pony based on a Monster High doll.
She was commissioned by a friend for her daughter's Christmas gift.  Venus is a favourite of her daughter.  The pony base was a dollar store fakie.  She was fully repainted.  Her symbol is based on Venus' flytrap pet.  Her hair is nylon.  The colours aren't quite as vibrant as the actual doll, she's a bit more muted.
