
Saturday 29 October 2011

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween, and I rarely miss the chance to participate in the MLPArena Halloween custom swap.  This year my partner was Wagnerwakka, and here is the pony I made for him: Pun'kin Pie.

Pun'kin's hair is a DH blend of golden sun, peaches and cream, tiger lily, volcano, copper chocolate, vampire kiss, pumpkin spice, and nutmeg.  I WILL be using this blend again in the future, I just love it.  Each one of Pun'kin's Jack O Lanterns has a different image, and they also glow in the dark.  Her TAF symbol and her eyes were fully repainted and sealed.  Her hat and stockings were hand sewn.

Happy Halloween!


Saturday 22 October 2011

It's Hockey Time!

Well, actually, Hockey time started two weeks ago.  And this girl was all set for the drop of the puck.
 Leafs Fan Elfpony is the latest version of my persona.  She has been fully repainted, as well as having her jersey sculpted from Apoxie Clay.  Her horn was made by the lovely and talented PrincessFireFly.  Her hair is Dollyhair Pumpkin Spice and Black Magick.  The jersey was fully hand painted, aside from the logo on the chest which is a sticker.
 She's not my best work, if I'm honest, but I let myself off a bit on some details because I was making her only for myself.  She'll be enjoying the hockey season with me from now through the winter.
 The number 31 was chosen for my favourite players Grant Fuhr and Curtis Joseph (both goalies, both #31.)


Saturday 15 October 2011

N2U Anime Con

I'm pleased to say that I'll be joining the events at N2U con this year presenting two MLP-themed panels.

One panel will be The History of MLP: From Firefly to FIM.  It will be a brief history of the MLP brand and I'll cover all four generations and the collecting history behind them.  I'm hoping it will be interesting for those who've been collectors for 30+ years like myself and those new to the franchise.  I'll be bringing along some of the gems of my collection, as well.

The other panel will cover customizing techniques.  I'm hoping to do a brief overview of customizing techniques and materials, and then answer questions from the audience.  Of course, I'll have examples of custom ponies as well from all four generations.

The con runs from November 18 - 20th in Ottawa.  I hope to see some of you there!


Saturday 8 October 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

As it's a holiday in Canada and I'm not at the computer, here's a harvest-themed custom to celebrate the season.
Autumn Harvest is an early custom and one that I still have.  I love how she turned out.  Here symbols were hand painted.  Her hair is Dollyhair Poison Ivy, Golden Delicious, and Cherry Pie.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunday 2 October 2011

The Yet-To-Be-Named Team

Last week I introduced the YTBNT Ponyville customs.  This week, I'm showing off the full-sized customs.

Nightshadepony (the ninja.  Her blanket is covered with black cats and shurikens.  She's rehaired with Deadly Nightshade, Poison Ivy, and Black Magick):
 Sleepwalkerpony (the spirit.  Her blanket is covered with stars.  She's rehaired with Sunlight, Caramel Cream, and Golden Goddess):
 ACpony (the demon.  her blanket is covered in flames.  She's rehaired with Venom, Evil Enchantress, and Vampire Kiss):
 Firebrandpony (the fire fiend.  Her blanket has a chinese dragon.  She's rehaired with Cherry Pie, Tea Rose, and Bubblegum):
 Elfpony (the elf.  Her blanket is covered with trilliums and arrows.  She's rehaired with Pumpkin Spice, Tigerlilly, and Volcano):
Team shots:
